Mo Willems always brings a lot of fun to our classroom! His books are entertaining and the kids always have a great time. These highly engaging “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus” themed activities are sure to be a hit with your young learners. See below a list of my recommendation. Hope you enjoy!

#1 Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive the Bus – Paper Bag Puppet
The pages can be printed on regular copy paper, construction paper, or card stock for extra sturdiness. Once printed, have kids color/paint, cut and glue the puppet pieces together.
source: Cheeky Cherubs
#2 Pigeon Book Study for ANY Pigeon Series Book by Mo Willems
This pack can be used as a whole class activity or during small group guided reading time. Just copy a pack for each student. You may choose to use pages that best fit your student’s learning abilities.
source: Anita Bremer
#3 Pigeon Freebie
Check out this freebie for one of my favorite back-to-school books, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. These activities are perfect for getting little ones excited about reading and writing.
Jonelle Bell A Place Called Kindergarten
#4 Don’t Let the Pigeon…Activity Pack!
This fun 18-page unit is perfect to use when studying Mo Willems or reading “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus”.
Kristen Brooks Dankovich
#5 Primary GATE with Caldecott — “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!” Mo Willems
Let’s have some fun along with the Pigeon and expand DOK along the way! This lesson will lead your primary GATE students through four challenging activities, culminating in an artistic response showing why they “never get to do anything!” either.
Portable Gifted and Talented
#6 Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus Activity Pack & More!
Mo Willems is by far one of my favorite authors! I created this Pigeon pack to enhance our learning while reading the books. Looking for some great math & reading activities to go along with your Mo Willems Pigeon books? This 59-page packet has everything a K-2nd-grade teacher would need to enhance their Mo Willems author study! Pigeon is such an adorable character. My students love reading about him and learning about real pigeons within this unit as well.
Kinder Sparks
#7 Pigeon Needs a Babysitter {A Literature Take-Home Bag}
After reading any (or all!) of the Pigeon books by Mo Willems, you will tell your students that Pigeon cannot be left at school alone at night because he gets into trouble when he isn’t supervised. He needs to have a babysitter and you were wondering if they could help!
source: Foxwell Forest
#8 Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus – Reader Responses
Bring the beloved children’s book ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus’ to life in your classroom with this engaging ‘Readers Responses’ activity pack.
source: Cheeky Cherubs
#9 Make Your Own Pigeon Books
If your kiddos LOVE Mo Willems as much as mine, you must introduce them to these easy print a go books! There are two 8 page books with puppets. Students create their own stories in the blank speech bubbles. The books are a great addition to any writing center!
Kate in Kinder
#10 Close Read: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
This 95-page unit includes everything you need to engage in transportation themed Close Read. This unit is broken down in an easy to use 5-day lesson plan.
Erin Eberhart Lynch
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